Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Characters in a New Animated TV-Commercial!

My characters in a new commercial for a major construction company in Israel called: 'Shary Arison'! I had the pleasure working on this commercial at Snowball VFX | Studios. I did the character design and some of the props in the commercial! I'm really excited about this! There are 2 more commercials that should be aired on the TV with my characters, I'm gonna post them once their out!

שיכון ובינוי - עיצוב דמויות על ידי עינב דרעי - חברת ההפקה האחראית על האנימציה וארט - סנובול סטודיוס - פרסומת אנימציה - שרי אריסון


  1. Einav, I am SO proud of you girl. :) When I saw this I literally bounced up and down squealing like a little girl lol.

    This commercial is co cute and the little guy is as well. Fantastic work, you and Snowball VFX!

  2. Thank you so much! Means the world to hear all that!
