I'd like to dedicate this post to my Grandmother, the most amazing woman in the whole world. She's in hospital right now, she fell and broke both her hands completely, her bones are crushed in one hand and the other is broken too, now both her hands and legs are barely functioning, it happened last Friday, while I was working on this jump test I got this horrible phone call from hospital and me and my family went immediately to the E.R, she's gonna have a surgery, it's really though on her because she's a very strong, independent lady, and all she ever wanted was to be able to take care of things by her own without anybody's help, and now I don't know if that's gonna happen, she needs someone to help her 24\7, I might move out to live with her next week. Anyway, I spent the last 3 days in hospital next to my grandma and while I had a little bit of free time I kept working on this jump test, I had to draw, even in hospital, just couldn't pass a day without drawing and animating. I colored the character and I also did this background above for this jump scene but it's gonna take me some time to combine both, so here's the first version of the jump I'll try to upload the second version with the colors and background as soon as I'm done.
Check it out -
I'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother. She's a very nice lady and I hope she'll recover soon. You're dedicated to her and I'm sure she'll get better since you'll be watching her. You're also a dedicated student. The improvement in your work is amazing. The animation you're showing here looks great. It's very convincing and natural. Just like you AG. You're a natural when it comes to animation. Thanks for posting your work. I really enjoy it. Good luck with everything you have going on with your life. Especially with your grandma. I'll keep her in my thoughts and I'll be thinking of you too.
Thank you, it means a lot.