Ok, so it's been a real busy week for me, I've stayed over in college for more than 40 hours - no breaks, no sleep, over all it was pretty much my home over the last week, I worked on this project for a few weeks, worked probably 18 hours every day, creating animation and color tests and learning After Effect and the list goes on and on guys, it's kinda funny because I literally slept in college, in the computer lab room, it was intense, I barely got any sleep lol, well, this is it, my first animation project ever, I learned a lot from it and tomorrow is our final deadline so it's going to be a lot of fun. I want to thank Sasha and Sergey for helping me out, Sasha, thanks for staying up all night with me and for keeping me company, I really appreciate it man, and if you're reading this right now, I uploaded the video we shot at like 3 AM in the morning after everybody was gone. It was so much fun and so cool, you and Sergey are awesome dudes!
Anyways, to watch the video please click here -
'Dino Phone Attack!' - First Animation Project
Some info about the school project -
We had to create 15 seconds of animation for a commercial, the commercial was meant to tell people to turn off their mobile phones at the movie theaters, we were working on this project in association with the local movie theaters which is really cool.
As I explained above, I shot a video at 3 AM in the morning while working on my project in college, I asked the main assistant in the school if I could stay overnight and work on my project and it's very rare when a student asks something like that lol, so anyway, the assistant was kind enough to tell me that he'd stay up with me all night so we can both work on our personal projects, which was really cool, I really had a lot of fun.
Here's the video and here are some pics from this real long night, when we took this video we basically were on a short break, we had to take like a 30 mins break to rest our minds a little bit lol if you guys wanna see some of the stuff we were doing at 3 AM in the morning click
here I donno, I find this video funny and cool at the same time, especially when he had to help me put the guitar on for like 5 mins lol
Oh, and if you're asking yourself what was the lenguage we were speaking on the video, it was half english, half hebrew, I know just a little bit of hebrew, still learning... yeah right